Monday, August 23, 2010

first day of school!

hey hey.
I know.
I have been horrible with blogging. But it'll get better from here on out, especially since SCHOOL is starting TODAY.

oh em gee.
totally freaking right now because if you know me, you know that I LOVE school. I heart the new binders, pens, pencils, COLLEGE-RULED paper, (College-ruled paper is the best, I don't roll with any of that wide-ruled business)......

Today is effing busy though. Not only do I have a full day of classes, I've also got auditions tonight.
Ok. and when I say full day, it's only 3 classes, but whatev, it's gonna be a long day, son.

All right, gotta catch the bus because it's gonna be full like whoa. I'll update you soon!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

car-less :(

Thank God we made it here safe. Both of our flights went well & we made it with all of our luggage, which was something I was legit worried about, haha.

I'm really happy to be here, BUT I would feel even better if my nugget of a BumbleBee aka MY CAR would be here too. sigh.

So, that's the prayer of the day, folks. Hopefully my car arrives today & life will be right again. Because, let's face it, Annelih without her magic yellow car is like... a bee without its black stripes.

oh no. that analogy made me sad. haha.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

i'm such an overpacker.

What bothers me about packing for airplane flights is I, without fail, pack way too much. I consciously say to myself, "Annelih. This time you WILL NOT bring your entire life in your carry-on suitcase & your backpack."

And what happens?
You guessed it.


And what with airlines jacking up the prices of luggage, it makes me even more stressed.
You would think I would learn by now how to pack for flights since I've been flying all year, but nope. Haven't learned.

Well, my family & I are peacing out soon to go to the airport super early so we don't overwhelm ourselves with all the baggages we have. Smart move on our part.

Please send good energy & thoughts for safe travels for my family & I.
I know that I won't fully be satisfied until we land safely in Gainesville & are settled into our hotel.

Thank you for all the loving thoughts & well wishes you've all communicated to me via facebook. You are each such bright lights in my life & I know I wouldn't be the woman & actor I am today if it weren't for your impact on me.

and just for kicks: